
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Second Amendment Page Launched

ArmsVault has had great success in becoming a premier resource for the firearm enthusiast. However, we have come to realize that we have not been taking full advantage of our site's popularity with regard to promoting the Second Amendment.

As most of you are aware, the current political environment has, at times, become very hostile towards those of us who support our Second Amendment freedoms. So, we firmly believe that we need to do our part to support our right to bear arms.

In keeping with the basic structure of ArmsVault, we have added a Second Amendment page that will act as a gateway to Second Amendment related sites. This page can be found at:

This page was JUST launched, so we certainly have much more content to add. In fact, we would love to hear any suggestions you may have for building this section. So, if you have any thoughts, don't hesitate to get in touch.


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